Building and Development Permits

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Develoment permits are required for most developments within the municipality.  It is a simple application process and, providing no bylaw amendments are required, is currently free of charge.  Please contact the RM office if you are planning a building project or a building relocation/demolition. Or find an application Development Permit Application

Residents within the RM of Snipe Lake are required by bylaw to obtain a building, moving or demolition permit for projects as defined by Provincial and Federal Legislation. Buildings defined as "farm Buildings” are exempt (this excludes one and two unit dwellings) and farm buildings with sleeping accommodations.  

The RM of Snipe Lake's Building Inspections are handled through MuniCode (  Telephone 306-955-6355.  This is for both residential and commercial developments.  

All Permits can be purchased at the RM of Snipe Lake office.  Permits must by approved by the Building Inspector prior to any work commencing.

A building permit application can be picked up at the RM office or can be downloaded HERE

A  building move/demolition permit application can be picked up at the RM office or can de downloaded Here



Supporting documentation is required for all building projects. A check list of what is required for your particular project can be found below or at our office.  Most permits require a minimum of a site plan and floor plan including dimensions and material types. 

Requirements and Worksheets

Attached Garage Worksheet

Detached Garage Worksheet

Deck (No roof or Cover)

Mobile Home

The application process is as follows:

1.       Permit application is received, Form A, along with supporting documentation.

2.       The permit application is presented to RM Council for approval

3.       The permit application along with the supporting documents is sent to Building Inspector for review and approval.

4.       Once the application is approved, the RM office issues an invoice for the required permit fees.

5.       Once the invoice is paid by the owner, the RM office issues the Building Permit and the project can commence.

   Turn around time for applications is dependent on all required information being received and the schedule of council meetings, but typically takes an average of two – three weeks.

   Omissions or missing information may cause delays in the processing of a permit application.

          Construction may NOT commence prior to issuance of  permit.


 Permits expire if work has not commenced within six months of issuing or if work ceases for a period of six month or greater.

 It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure all conditions outlined are met.

 Any deviation, omissions or revision to the approved application requires approval of RM Council and the Building Inspector.

 Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing and natural gas work. Contact your contractor for details.  Demolition or moving permits are required when any assessable (taxable) property or portions thereof being moved or added require a demolition or moving permit.