Assessment Appeals

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What is the assessment appeals process?
Should there be an error on an assessment, it should be brought to the attention of the Municipality.  If the Assessor agreed that there is an error correction the error may be corrected without an appeal process.  If the Assessor cannot correct the issue, you would appeal can be sent to the firm that administers our Board of Revision:  

Western Municipal Consulting

Box 149 Meota, SK

S0M 1X0

Who should appeal? 
If you feel an error has been made on the assessment, you should seek clarification from SAMA or appeal.  Too high is not considered a valid reason for an appeal.  When submitting an appeal, provide all information supporting your claim.  SAMA uses provincial rates, area specific, to apply the valuation and bring the values up to a approximately a 2022 valuation.  
SAMAview provides the detail that SAMA found when valuing your property.  After setting up an account (free of charge) you can view the information they have recorded and ensure that it is accurate.    The alternate number on your assessment notice (drop the -01 at the end) is combined with the RM number to be the assessment number (000101100-01 becomes 259-000101100)
Appeals (see review of assessment notice) may be emailed or mailed, providing the details of what you believe to be incorrect.  The fee of $100 per appeal should be sent to the RM of Snipe Lake, Box 786, Eston, SK  S0L 1A0 - cheques payable to the RM of Snipe Lake.  The fee will be refunded if your appeal is successful.
How is the assessment used in Taxation?
As the budget for 2024 is not set, an ESTIMATE based on 2023 can be calculated:
Municipal Taxes
1.What is the property class. Example - Agriculture Land 
2.  What is the taxable assessment - Example $100,000
3.     The mill rate (2023 example) was 12.
4.     The mill rate FACTOR varies by Class AGR is .3225
5.The RM only has a minimum tax on commercial improvements.
Therefore, in our example
AG Land Taxable Assessment of $100,000 x mill rate of 12 /1000 x Mill rate Factor (.3225) = $387.00 (no base or minimum)
School Taxes 
The same would apply for the School Taxes except there is no mill rate factor
The 2023 Rates were
YearClassMill RateMill Rate Factor Base/Minimum
The RM office can assist you with an estimate based upon 2023 rates.