Fuel Tender
Fuel Tenders 2024 and 2025 Year
The Council of the RM of Snipe Lake No. 259 is accepting tenders for our Diesel and Gas needs for the year 2024 and 2025
We use approximately 337150 litres of diesel fuel, approximately 35,392 litres of regular gasoline. This quantity will change based upon activities of the year. Because prices fluctate, we are asking you to quote with a discount that would be granted to the RM of Snipe Lake (per liter) from the regular price at any given date.
Tenders will be accepted until 5:00 PM April 5th with tenders being opened at the April 11th Council Meeting. Council reserves the right to accept or reject any tender. Support of projects in the community of Eston and the RM of Snipe Lake will be considered. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. If tendering by email, please attach your tender in a PDF and clearly mark the email as "FUEL TENDER". If by mail, the envelope should clearly be marked "FUEL TENDER" on the outside.
Please contact with any questions you may have at 306-962-3214 or by email at rm259@sasktel.net